Floral II / III (Art and History of Floral Design II)
Prerequisites: 10th and 12th grade students / Floral I

This course is designed to provide students with advanced principles of floral design and extension from Floral I course.

Course will also provide students with the opportunity to create their own floral (SAE) projects including sales and marketing of their projects through FFA activity/event/holiday sales.​

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the  year as an official state and national FFA member.

This course meets AHS fine arts graduation credit

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway capstone course credit​

Turfgrass and Sports Field Management II 
Prerequisites: Turfgrass and Sports Field Management I / 11th - 12th grade students

This course is an extension of the Turfgrass and Sports Field Management I course for students interested in advance knowledge, skills, and experience associated with the industry and professionals who establish and maintain turf in public areas such as golf courses, parks, athletic fields, schools, industrial, institutional, and professional sport facilities. “Hands on” application associated with turf grass management and sports field management will be applied. 

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the year as an official state and national FFA member.

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway capstone course credit​

Ornamental Horticulture Pathway Courses

Environmental Horticulture I/II                Floral I                  Floral II / III            Turfgrass and Sports Field Management I/II

Horticulture II
Prerequisites:  Environmental Horticulture I /and 11th through 12th grade students

This course allows students to perform tasks in the greenhouse, lath house, nursery, and various landscape lab areas on school grounds. "Hands-On" experience in a variety of activities in the use of plants in a landscape, plant propagation, landscape design, and irrigation systems. 

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the year as an official state and national FFA member.

This course meets AHS graduation and UC/CSU “G” credit for admissions

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway capstone course credit

Turfgrass and Sports Field Management I 
Prerequisites:10th - 12th grade students

This Agriculture pathway and CTE course is designed for students interested in gaining knowledge and skills associated with the duties and tasks of industry and professionals who establish and maintain turf in public areas such as golf courses; parks; athletic fields; school, industrial, and institutional campuses; and residential lawns. “Hands on” application associated with turf grass management and sports field management will be applied. 

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the year as an official state and national FFA member.

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway concentration course credit​

Atwater High School Agriculture Courses

Floral I​  (Art and History of Floral Design)
Prerequisites: 9th through 12th grade students

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to study the history and principles of floral design. Hands on study and application in selection/conditioning of cut flowers & greens, floral design mechanics, boutonnieres/corsages, bud vases, circular/triangular/linear arrangements, wreaths, holiday arrangements, displays, retail/professional career opportunities, and professional organizations will be implemented.

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the  year as an official state and national FFA member.

This course meets AHS fine arts graduation credit

This course meets AHS graduation and UC/CSU “F” credit for admissions

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway concentration course credit

Environmental Horticulture I
Prerequisites: 10th through 12th grade students

This course is designed to teach students basic skills used in the horticulture industry. Course content and “hands-on” learning aspects will consist of the following areas:

·                      Horticulture Industry
·                      Plant Science
·                      Plant Propagation
·                      Greenhouse Management
·                      Integrated Pest Management
·                      Container Grown Plants
·                      Landscape Design
·                      Lawn and Turfgrass Management
·                      Fruit and Vegetable Gardening
·                      Floral Designs

Course will also provide students with the opportunity to create their own plant (SAE) projects including sales and marketing of their projects through FFA plant sales.

This course qualifies students to participate in all local, state, and national FFA events/activities throughout the  year as an official state and national FFA member.

This course meets 3rd year AHS science graduation credit

This course meets AHS graduation and UC/CSU “G” credit for admissions

​This course meets CTE Horticulture pathway concentration course credit

​This course is a Merced College Dual Enrollment course (Students earn 3 units of college credit w/ "A" or "B" in course)