
 Hobbies: Swimming, playing video games, and hanging out with friend

 Favorite Movie:  Baby Driver

 Favorite Non-Ag Subject:  Chemistry

 Favorite Song/Artist: "Fuel" by Metallica

 Favorite Book: ​"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

 Favorite Game: Minecraft

 Favorite Color: Blue

 Influential People: My mom and dad

 Life's Philosophy: “I'm going to use all my tools, my God-given

                                   ability, and make the best life I can with it.”

                                    - Lebron James


Atwater High School Agriculture Department

Atwater FFA

PO Box 835  /  2201 Fruitland Ave

Atwater, CA  95301

Office:  209-357-6025

​Fax:  209-357-6067

Owen Reed

FFA Chapter Treasurer

 Hometown: Atwater, CA 

 Birthday: January 30th

 Year in School:  Junior

 Goals:          Stanford

                        Major: Nurse Anesthesiologist

​                        Career: Anesthesiologist

Atwater FFA


 FFA Accomplishments:  3rd high individual and 3rd high team for state Farm Business Management CDE finals


 SAE(s)/CDE(s)/LDE(s):  Farm Business Management 

 FFA Goals: Win the state Farm Business Management CDE and compete/attend the FFA National Finals / Convention