Hometown:  Atwater, California

 Birthday:  January 30th

 Year in School:  Sophomore 

 Goals:          Texas A&M

                       Major: Agriculture Law

​                       Career: Agricultural Lawyer

Atwater FFA

Gianna Fragulia

FFA Chapter Secretary

Atwater High School Agriculture Department

Atwater FFA

PO Box 835  /  2201 Fruitland Ave

Atwater, CA  95301

Office:  209-357-6025

​Fax:  209-357-6067

 Hobbies:  Water polo / swim teams, hanging out with friends

 Favorite Movie: The Notebook

 Favorite Non-Ag Subject: Leadership

 Favorite Song/Artist: Koe Wetzel

 Favorite Book: "Hatchet", Gary Paulsen

Favorite Game: Clue

 Favorite Color: Turquoise

 Influential People: My Parents and Callie Sanders

 Life's Philosophy: "Just keep swimming" - Dory


 FFA Accomplishments: California State 4th Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team, Merced Fair Supreme Champion Registered


 SAE(s)/CDE(s)/LDE(s):  Raising and showing market and breeding goats, Parliamentary Procedure, Creed, Milk Quality and

                                           Products judging team

 FFA Goals: Getting Supreme Champion Market Goat at Merced Fair, Winning Goat Showmanship, and helping others to explore

                      opportunities in the FFA