Hobbies:  Cooking and spending time with family

 Favorite Movie: Hunger Games

 Favorite Non-Ag Subject in School: English

 Favorite Game: Cookie Run Kingdom

 Favorite Book: "Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins

 Favorite Color: Blue

 Influential People:  My parents

 Life's Philosophy:  “The secret  of getting ahead is getting started”

                                     - Mark Twain

 Hometown:  Winton, CA

 Birthday:  November 13th

 Year in School:  Sophomore

 Goals:          UC Davis 

                        Major: Animal Science

​                        Career: Veterinarian


Eric Villalobos 

FFA Chapter Historian



 FFA Accomplishments:  Poultry team, Opening and Closing Ceremonies contest, and swine Project

 SAE(s)/CDE(s)/LDE(s):  Market swine and Poultry judging

 FFA Goals: Win the state Poultry CDE

Atwater High School Agriculture Department

Atwater FFA

PO Box 835  /  2201 Fruitland Ave

Atwater, CA  95301

Office:  209-357-6025

​Fax:  209-357-6067

Atwater FFA